Root Out
Keyboard / Mouse:
- Move left: A/Left arrow
- Move right: D/Right arrow
- Aim: Mouse look
- Jump: W/Space/Up arrow
- Shoot: Left click
- Warp: Right click
- Pause menu: Esc
- Move: Left stick
- Aim: Right stick
- Jump: A
- Shoot: Right trigger
- Warp: Left trigger
- Pause menu: Start
- Physician, Heal Thyself: your health is your hydration level, warping requires hydration
- Now you see me, now you don't: there are some hidden tiles in the bossfight :)
- Competitive Spirit: there is a speedrun timer for the game, send us your best time!
Source Code: https://github.com/guladam/RootOut
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interesting game, i like the atmosphere a lot. enjoyable difficulty, really challenging and begs for one more go. nicely done :) took me a few attempts to clear level one.